2007 veröffentlichte Donald Trump zusammen mit Bill Zaner ein Buch mit dem Titel: “Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life”, ein Jahr später etwas zensiert “Think big and make it happen in Business and Life.” Es beginnt mit einer Art Quiz, mit dem man feststellen kann, wie “tough” man ist, um sich in der Gesellschaft als Alpha-Tier durchzusetzen.
Frage 12 lautete: Was ist ihre Einstellung zu Menschen?
Donald Trump: “Die Welt ist ein bösartiger und brutaler Ort. Wir denken, wir sind zivilisiert. In Wahrheit ist es eine grausame Welt und die Menschen sind rücksichtslos. Sie tun so, als wären sie nett zu dir, aber unter der Oberfläche sind sie darauf aus, dich zu töten … Sogar deine Freunde sind darauf aus, dich zu kriegen: Sie wollen deinen Job, sie wollen dein Haus, sie wollen dein Geld, sie wollen deine Frau und sie wollen sogar deinen Hund. Das sind deine Freunde; deine Feinde sind noch schlimmer!”
Frage 13: Wenn jemand Sie oder Ihren Ruf absichtlich schädigt, wie reagieren Sie dann?
Donald Trump: “Wenn Ihnen jemand in die Quere kommt, lautet mein Rat: “Rächen Sie sich!” Das ist kein typischer Ratschlag, aber es ist ein Ratschlag aus dem wirklichen Leben. Wenn Sie sich nicht rächen, sind Sie nur ein Trottel! … Ich liebe es, mich zu rächen. Ich werde die ganze Zeit verarscht. Ich verfolge die Leute, und weißt du was? Die Leute spielen mit mir nicht so viel herum wie mit anderen. Sie wissen, wenn sie das tun, gibt’s einen großen Kampf. Ich räche mich immer. Verfolge die Leute, die dich verfolgen. … Schlagen Sie immer zurück und rechnen Sie immer ab. Es ist ein Dschungel da draußen, gefüllt mit Tyrannen aller Art, die versuchen werden, Sie herumzuschubsen. Wenn Sie Angst haben, sich zu wehren, werden die Leute Sie für einen Verlierer halten, einen “Trottel”! … Kämpfen Sie immer zurück und zahlen Sie es ihnen heim. Die Leute werden Sie dafür respektieren.”
Es gibt keinen besseren Beweis, dass Trump diese Weltsicht und seine Haltung Mitmenschen gegenüber auch als Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten unverändert beibehielt, als die von der NYT fein säuberlich alphabetisch aufgelisteten Tweets. Es sind 133 Seiten! Allein der Buchstabe “B” enthält 67 Angriffsziele.
Schauen wir uns doch mal die Tweets zu Joe Biden an:
“Fake President!” “lying,” “a total disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu,” “would do a terrible job of Vaccine delivery,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a corrupt politician who SOLD OUT Michigan to CHINA,” “the living embodiment of the decrepit and depraved political class,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a corrupt politician,” “bought and paid for by China!” “Sleepy Joe,” “betrayed Hispanic-Americans,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a pathetic laughing stock,” “didn’t know what he was doing!” “bought and paid for,” “a corrupt politician who SOLD OUT Pennsylvania,” “promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison state,” “A vote for Biden is a vote for Lockdowns, Layoffs and Misery,” “a disaster,” “Sleepy Joe,” “did a very POOR job of handling H1N1 Swine Flu, yet all he talks about is Covid, Covid, Covid, like he would actually know what he is doing,” “The only people who’ve benefited from his policies are himself & his family,” “shows up every 4 years, and then goes back to D.C. and caters to his special interests,” “the candidate of rioters, looters, arsonists, gun-grabbers, flag-burners, Marxists, lobbyists, and special interests,” “a corrupt politician,” “has done nothing but betray you for 47 long years,” “He will stab you in the back,” “only cares about political power,” “profited from the misery he unleashed,” “Sleepy Joe,” “He has NO clue!!” “will destroy the United States Supreme Court,” “Sleepy Joe,” “would lock us down forever,” “a diehard globalist who cares nothing for working people,” “At every turn, Biden twisted his knife into the back of Michigan workers,” “speech is 90% made up stories and lies,” “a corrupt politician,” “Biden will make you a prisoner in your own home,” “Joe is lost!” “Sleepy Joe,” “a corrupt politician,” “If Biden Wins, China Wins,” “Sleepy Joe!” “Corruption!” “If you vote for Biden, your kids will not be in school, there will be no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, and no Fourth of July!” “Sleepy Joe,” “got lost in a ‘mental fog’,” “A disaster,” “FAILED BADLY,” “He knows nothing,” “All talk and no action!” “a corrupt politician,” “If Biden wins, China will OWN the USA,” “a corrupt politician,” “he’s COMPROMISED,” “corruption,” “didn’t have a clue!” “Sleepy Joe,” “totally corrupt,” “Sleepy Joe,” “the living embodiment of the corrupt political class that enriched itself while draining the economic life and soul from our Country,” “a corrupt politician,” “a corrupt politician,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!!” “Corrupt,” “makes Crooked Hillary look like an amateur!” “SLEEPY JOE,” “really bad interview,” “Sleepy Joe,” “very bad showing last night,” “Sleepy Joe,” “He’s always been a corrupt politician,” “Disgraceful!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “corrupt,” “has never been a nice or kind guy,” “obvious & rapidly getting worse ‘dementia’,” “unacceptable for USA!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “very dumb,” “fool,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “He has Zero to say!!!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “A complete and total disaster,” “let the Unions down,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a man who is totally unqualified to be your President,” “a PUPPET of CASTRO-CHAVISTAS,” “weak on socialism,” “Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!” “LIED,” “ALL TALK!” “a disaster,” “didn’t have a clue,” “a man that should NEVER be president,” “Sleepy Joe!” “He’s been a wacko for years,” “very low IQ,” “SHOULDN’T BE ALLOWED TO RUN,” “47 years of lies, 47 years of betrayals, and 47 years of failure,” “too weak to lead this Country!” “Sleepy Joe,” “WEAK Leadership!” “Nobody wants Sleepy Joe as a leader,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a very LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL,” “John McCain’s lapdog,” “Sleepy Joe!” “Sleepy Joe,” “wants to quadruple your taxes,” “If Biden Wins, the mob WINS,” “If Biden Wins, the rioters, anarchists, arsonists, and flag-burners WIN,” “No one has been more wrong, more often,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “betrayed Scranton, and America,” “a corrupt globalist sellout who never missed a chance to stab American workers in the back,” “sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Weak, Tired, and Sleepy,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Joe sleeps in his basement,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Pathetic Joe,” “does not BELIEVE in our Country,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “spent 47 years in politics being terrible to Hispanics,” “Sleepy Joe,” “will raise your taxes and DESTROY our Country!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Agenda is Made in China,” “Sleepy Joe,” “doesn’t have a clue!” “(FAKE) candidate,” “Sad!” “Basement Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe’s,” “a very Sleepy person,” “Sleepy Joe,” “doesn’t have a clue,” “so bad for the USA!” “Joe Hiden’,” “Sleepy Joe Hiden’,” “sits back in his basement and criticizes every move we make,” “Joe Hiden’,” “has completely lost control,” “bad record!” “a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before,” “a Low Energy Individual,” “He’s back in his basement now,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Lies,” “Joe Hiden’,” “Joe Hiden’,” “Joe Hiden’,” “will also raise your taxes like never before,” “Sad!” “his poll numbers are PLUNGING!” “MUST always be weak on crime!” “Slow Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “the guy right now in his basement unwilling to lead or even speak out against crime,” “he’ll go back to basement soon!” “Polls are dropping fast,” “very slow reaction time,” “crazy!” “Ridiculous!” “He has no clue!” “He will never change, just words!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Joe allows CRIME!” “Slow Joe,” “merely an afterthought,” “Very strange,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Slow Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a Trojan Horse for the Radical Left Agenda,” “Sleepy Joe,” “the puppet of the Left,” “Nothing matters with him,” “corrupt,” “puppet,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Corrupt,” “You & your children won’t be SAFE in Biden’s America,” “Sleepy Joe,” “No one will be SAFE in Joe Biden’s America!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Corrupt Joe,” “spied on my campaign,” “criminal,” “Corrupt,” “will make you very poor, FAST!” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “He has no clue,” “Corrupt,” “He knew the questions and still couldn’t answer them,” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “a Low IQ,” “Sleepy Joe is definitely a Low IQ person!” “Corrupt,” “Corrupt,” “so mortifyingly stupid,” “He has no idea,” “Corrupt,” “failed with China,” “4 decades of betrayal, calamity and failure,” “he NEVER did ANYTHING!” “Sleepy Joe,” “a TOTAL FAILURE,” “He ‘bungled’ everything that he touched!” “failing grades and polls,” “clueless handling of the Swine Flu,” “has been a part of every failed decision for decades,” “complete lack of leadership,” “He’s weak & shot!!!” “Sleepy Joe,” “refuses to leave his basement ‘sanctuary’,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “can never escape his Crime Bill!” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing,” “he pretends to have the answers. He doesn’t even know the questions,” “has been politically weak all of his life,” “Sleep Joe,” “Joe doesn’t know anything,” “he is clueless,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “handling of the H1N1 Swine Flu was a complete and total disaster,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe’s poor work ethic,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Nobody in 50 years has been WEAKER on China,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “was asleep at the wheel,” “SLEEPY JOE WILL NEVER GET YOU THERE,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “cannot bring us to greatness,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “has given you nothing, and never will,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “not even a factor,” “a tired, exhausted man,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden.”,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “an easy mark,” “a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu,” “disastrous approval numbers,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe’,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “doesn’t know where he is, or what he’s doing,” “I don’t think he even knows what office he’s running for,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy,” “Sleepy Joe,” “a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy and Very Slow,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Crooked Bidens,” “Crooked daddy,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “By the way, the Bidens were corrupt,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “being protected by the Media,” “Sleepy Joe,” “doesn’t have a clue!” “Does anybody really believe he is mentally fit to be president?” “Joe doesn’t have a clue!” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sooo Boring,” “our Country will do poorly with him,” “Sleepy Joe,” “will lead us into an economic sinkhole the likes of which we have never seen before,” “Sleepy Joe,” “the Sleepy One,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “admitted he worked with segregationists,” “Joe Biden is a reclamation project. Some things are just not salvageable,” “He deserted our military our law enforcement and our healthcare,” “Added more debt than all other Presidents combined. Won’t win!” “Sleepy Joe,” “exhausted,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “is drawing flies not people to his rallies,” “Sleepy Joe,” “low IQ idiot,” “low IQ individual,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “will not have a chance of being elected,” “Swampman,” “a low IQ individual,” “Swampman,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe Biden,” “Sleepy Joe,” “let China get away with “murder!”,” “SleepyCreepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Fake News,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “not very bright,” “Sleepy Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” “I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign,” “Sleepy Joe,” “got tongue tied over the weekend,” “unable to properly deliver a very simple line,” “another low I.Q. individual!” “Crazy Joe,” “trying to act like a tough guy,” “Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically,” “He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way,” “Don’t threaten people Joe!” “not very bright”
In der Einleitung zu ihrem Buch “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” hielten die Verfasser unter anderem fest: “Es gibt Menschen, die immer noch die Hoffnung hegen, dass dieser Präsident zur Vernunft gebracht werden kann und sein erratisches Verhalten zügeln kann. Unsere berufliche Erfahrung legt das Gegenteil nahe.”
Im Rückblick auf die vier Jahre Trump’scher Präsidentschaft kann man nur feststellen, dass sie recht behalten haben. Hatten sie aber auch Recht mit der folgenden Feststellung?:
“Macht korrumpiert nicht nur, sondern vergrößert auch bestehende Psychopathologien, selbst wenn sie neue schafft. Gefördert durch die Schmeicheleien von Untergebenen und die Gesänge von Menschenmengen, kann sich die Grandiosität eines politischen Führers in grotesken Größenwahn verwandeln. Soziopathische Züge können sich verstärken, wenn der Führer entdeckt, dass er die Normen der Zivilgesellschaft verletzen und sogar ungestraft Verbrechen begehen kann.”
Darüber mehr in der nächsten Folge am Freitag, den 12. Februar